This project aim to reach the maximum number of interested people. The communication project strategy is based in collaboration not only with the project´s partners we are going to count with the “Key multipliers”. In the BIOFRUITNET project they are defined as relevant organisations/associations (public or private) for the organic fruit sector in Europe that can support the communication and dissemination of the project through their conections/networks. For example, they can pass the Biofruitnet materials to its members, support in social media, spread the word about Biofruitnet events between its members, share content… etc. They are a key element of the communication strategy
Type of network : public
Number of members: 596
Website or address:
Fruit crop/s: apple, pear, plum, cherry, apricot
Level of the network : international level, national level, regional level
Network management: advisors, researchers, breeders
Network members : farmers, advisors, researchers, marketing organisations, certifiers, breeders
Activities :
- exchange of information, dissemination of information
- elaboration of improved strategies
- science a research
- breeding of new fruit cultivars
- genebank of fruit cultivars
- fruit growing technology
Information dealt with:
- orchard management
- varieties and breeding
- plant health care
- soil management and fertilisation
- genebank of fruit cultivars
Specialised subgroups:
- genetics and breeding
- genebanks
- plant protection
- technologies
Type of network: private
Number of members: 16
Website or address:
Fruit crop/s: apple, pear, plum, cherry, apricot
Level of the network: international level, national level, regional level
Network management: advisors, researchers
Network members: advisors, researchers
- exchange of information, dissemination of information
- elaboration of improved strategies
- e-advisory
- decision support systems
Information dealt with:
- orchard management
- plant health care
- soil management and fertilisation
Specialised subgroups:
1. plant protection
2. decision support systems
Type of network: public
Number of members: 42
Website or address:
Fruit crop/s: apple, pear, plum, cherry, apricot
Level of the network: international level, national level, regional level
Network management: farmers, advisors, researchers, agriculture university
Network members: farmers, advisors, researchers
- exchange of information, dissemination of information
- elaboration of improved strategies
- advisory service
- decision support systems
Information dealt with:
- orchard management
- plant health care
- soil management and fertilisation
Specialised subgroups:
1. plant protection
2. decision support systems
1. Scientists and advisors
Type of network: private
Number of members: 10
Website or address: Hortiadvice, hvidkærvej 29, 5250 Odense SV, Denmark.
Fruit crop/s: apple, pear, plum, cherry
Level of the network: national level
Network management: advisors
Network members: advisors, researchers
Activities: exchange of information, dissemination of information
Information dealt with:
- orchard management
- varieties and breeding
- soil management and fertilisation
- certification, rules and interpretation
Type of network: private
Number of members: 7
Website or address: Elvej 15, DK 4990 Sakskøbing
Fruit crop/s: apple, pear
Level of the network: national level
Network management: marketing organisations
Network members: farmers
Activities: exchange of information, dissemination of information
Information dealt with:
- varieties and breeding
- certification, rules and interpretation
3. Organic Denmark (Oekologisk Landsforening)
Type of network: NGO, advisors
Number of members: 10 intensive growers and 100 extensive growers
Website or address:
Fruit crop/s: apple, pear, plum, cherry
Level of the network: national level
Network management: farmers, marketing organisations, organic customers
Network members: farmers, marketing organisations, organic customers
- exchange of information, dissemination of information
- elaboration of improved strategies
- project developing withing organic farmer and marketing
Information dealt with:
- soil management and fertilisation
- certification, rules and interpretation for fruitgrowing Organic Denmark collaborates with HortiAdvice around advice for professional growing
4. Organic fruit growers
Type of network: private
Number of members: 10
Website or address: Skovbyvej 64, 7080 Børkop, Denmark
Fruit crop/s: apple, pear
Level of the network: national level
Network management: farmers
Network members: farmers
Activities: political aspects concerning use and permission of use of organic plant protection products
Information dealt with: political aspects concerning use and permission of use of organic plant protection products
1. Estonian Organic Farming Platform
Type of network: NGO
Number of members: this is an umbrella organisation uniting 15 organic farming organisations in Estonia
Website or address:
Fruit crop/s: apple, pear, plum, cherry
Level of the network: national level
Network management: farmers, development organisations
Network members: farmers, advisors, researchers, marketing organisations, development organisations
- exchange of information, dissemination of information
- elaboration of improved strategies
Information dealt with:
- orchard management
- varieties and breeding
- plant health care
- soil management and fertilisation
- certification, rules and interpretation
- support schemes
Type of network: NGO
Number of members: 7
Fruit crop/s: apple, peach and nectarine, plum
Level of the network: regional level
Network management: farmers, advisors
Network members: farmers, advisors, researchers
- exchange of information, dissemination of information
- elaboration of improved strategies
Information dealt with: varieties and breeding
2. Novafruits
Type of network: NGO
Number of members: 35
Fruit crop/s: apple, pear
Level of the network: regional level
Network management: farmers, breeders
Network members: farmers, researchers, breeders
Activities: elaboration of improved strategies
Information dealt with: varieties and breeding
2. DEPHY FERME Fruits à pépins bio”
Type of network: public
Number of members: 12
Website or address:
Fruit crop/s: apple, pear
Level of the network: regional level
Network management advisors
Network members: farmers
- exchange of information, dissemination of information
- elaboration of improved strategies
Information dealt with:
- orchard management
- plant health care
- soil management and fertilisation
- biodiversity
Specialised subgroups :
1. functional biodiversity : set-up of bird and bat nests, flower strips to favour pollination, introduction of animal in the orchard (e.g. hen).
2. orchard management : Thinning strategies, Water supplies
3. soil management and fertilisation : green manure, low-tillage, cover (clover, grass etc), biodynamy
4. plant health care : knowledge about specific pests (biology, management strategie eg : Contarinia pyrivora, Hoplocampa sp.)
Type of network: public
Number of members: 22
Website or address:
Fruit crop/s: apple, pear, peach and nectarine, plum, cherry, apricot, almond, orange, lemon, others
Level of the network: national level
Network management: researchers
Network members: advisors, researchers, marketing organisations, breeders. The objective is to make a wide variety of partners collaborate within this GIS: research and higher education organizations, technical institutes and chambers of agriculture, institutional partners (ministry in charge of agriculture, FranceAgriMer, poles of competitiveness), professional partners from upstream to downstream of the sector.
- exchange of information, dissemination of information
- elaboration of improved strategies
- the objective of GIS Fruits is to coordinate and orient a multidisciplinary national research, research and development and training program serving the Fruit sector, based on broad consultation between various stakeholders.
Information dealt with:
- orchard management
- varieties and breeding
- plant health care
- oil management and fertilisation
Specialised subgroups:
- organization of actors and competitiveness of the sector
- societal expectations
- biology and control of pests and diseases
- adaptation and anticipation of climate change
- system approach at 3 scales: plot, farm and territory
- development and maintenance of the quality of fresh and processed fruits
4. GRAB arboriculture
Type of network: producer association
Number of members: 45
Website or address:
Fruit crop/s: apple, pear, peach and nectarine, plum, cherry, apricot, almond
Level of the network: national level, regional level
Network management: farmers, researchers
Network members: farmers, researchers
- exchange of information, dissemination of information
- elaboration of improved strategies
Information dealt with:
- orchard management
- varieties and breeding
- plant health care
- soil management and fertilisation
- certification, rules and interpretation (country specific)
5. Groupe Technique Bio de La Moriniière
Type of network: private
Number of members: 50
Website or address:
Fruit crop/s: apple, pear
Level of the network: regional level
Network management: researchers
Network members: farmers, advisors, researchers
Activities: exchange of information, dissemination of information
Information dealt with:
- orchard management
- plant health care
- soil management and fertilisation
6. UMT SI Bio, “Horticulture innovative systems”
Type of network: public
Number of members: 30
Website or address:
Fruit crop/s: pomefruits, stonefruits, citrus
Level of the network: regional level
Network management: researchers
Network members: farmers, advisors, researchers
- exchange of information, dissemination of information
- elaboration of improved strategies
- co-conception and assessment
Information dealt with:
- orchard management
- plant health care
- soil management and fertilisation
Specialised subgroups:
- co-conception and assessment of innovative orchards’ systems
- ecological levers
- transition to organic and knowledges
7. DEPHY Ferme
Type of network: public
Number of members: 11
Website or address: none
Fruit crop/s: apple, plum, grapes
Level of the network: regional level
Network management: advisors
Network members: farmers
- exchange of information, dissemination of information
- elaboration of improved strategies
Information dealt with:
- orchard management
- plant health care
- soil management and fertilisation
Specialised subgroups :
- cover crops to combat erosion and enhance biodiversity
- soil management: acquire soil knowledge to gain autonomy on how to best understand issues and how to treat them
- grazing in orchards
8. Fédération nationale d’agriculture biologique (National Federation of Organic agriculture) FNAB
Type of network: professional body with a union perspective, non-profit organisation
Number of members: direct members are regional groupings of organic producers (14), which in turn brings together local groupings of organic producers. As a whole, the network counts more than 10 000 producers and around 350 staff members.
Website or address:,
Fruit crop/s: apple, pear, peach and nectarine, plum, cherry, apricot, almond, citrus
Level of the network: national level
Network management: farmers, advisors
Network members: farmers, advisors
- exchange of information, dissemination of information
- elaboration of improved strategies
- interactions with institutions to promote better organic practices and defend organic producers
Information dealt with:
- orchard management
- varieties and breeding
- plant health care
- soil management and fertilisation
- certification, rules and interpretation (country specific)
Specialised subgroups:
- group on Apple and Pear: follow up of production and prices, good practices
- project on cover crops in orchards and vineyards
- group to test new varieties for apple, peach, plum (BioFruits Sud, described in another questionnaire).
1. Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V. – FÖKO
Type of network: NGO
Number of members: 200
Website or address:
Fruit crop/s: apple, pear, plum, cherry
Level of the network: national level
Network management: farmers
Network members: farmers, advisors, researchers
- exchange of information, dissemination of information
- elaboration of improved strategies
- initiate project to improve strategies
- supply informations on organic current practice in plant health care
- coordinate activities for registration of products needed by farmers
Information dealt with:
- orchard management
- varieties and breeding
- plant health care
- soil management and fertilisation
- biodiversity management
Specialised subgroups:
- working group apple breeding and varieties
- working group apple disease control
- working group apple insect control and enhancement of biodiversity
- working group organic quality
- working group sustainable development of the whole production chain
- working group pear
- working group stone fruit
- working group small fruit
2. Der Beratungsdienst Ökologischer Obstbau e.V. – BÖO
Type of network: private
Number of members: 200 full members, 300 sustaining members
Website or address:
Fruit crop/s: apple, pear, peach and nectarine, plum, cherry, apricot
Level of the network: regional level
Network management: farmers, advisors
Network management: farmers, advisors, researchers
- exchange of information, dissemination of information
- elaboration of improved strategies
- integration of newly organic farmers into existing networks
- platform for social networking among organic fruitgrowers
Information dealt with:
- orchard management
- varieties and breeding
- plant health care
- soil management and fertilisation
- certification, rules and interpretation
- biodiversity management
3. Öko-Obstbau Norddeutschland e.V. – ÖON
Type of network: NGO
Number of members: 90
Website or address:
Fruit crop/s: apple, pear, plum, cherry
Level of the network: regional level
Network management : farfmers, advisors, researchers
Network members: farmers
- exchange of information, dissemination of information
- elaboration of improved strategies
Information dealt with:
- orchard management
- varieties and breeding
- plant health care
- soil management and fertilisation
- certification, rules and interpretation
- biodiversity management
Type of network: private
Number of members: more than 4000
Website or address:
Fruit crop/s: pomefruits, stonefruits, citrus
Level of the network: national level
Network management: farmers, marketing organisations
Network members: farmers, advisors, marketing organisations, breeders
- exchange of information, dissemination of information
- elaboration of improved strategies
- internal funds coming from the operative plans
Information dealt with:
- orchards management
- varieties and breeding
- plant health care
- soil management and fertilisation
- certification, rules and interpretation
- ICT technologies
Specialised subgroups: in APOFRUIT there are several operative groups all organised in terms of specific topics
2. Jonicabio
Type of network private
Number of members 30
Website or address
Fruit crop/s peach and nectarine, plum, cherry, apricot, almond, orange, lemon, others
Level of the network national level
Network management farmers, advisors, marketing organisations
Network members farmers, marketing organisations
Activities exchange of information, dissemination of information
elaboration of improved strategies
ICT technologies
Information dealt with orchard management
varieties and breeding
plant health care
soil management and fertilisation
certification, rules and interpretation
Specialised subgroups 1. farmers and advisors
- warehouse
- training section
- administrative group
Type of network: private
Number of members: 55
Website or address:
Fruit crop/s: orange, lemon, others
Level of the network: regional level (Sicily)
Network management: farmers, advisors, breeders, marketing organisations
Network members: farmers, advisors, marketing organisations
Activities: exchange of information, dissemination of information
Information dealt with:
- orchard management
- varieties and breeding
- plant health care
- soil management and fertilisation
- certification, rules and interpretation
Type of network: public
Number of members: 10-15
Website or address:
Fruit crop/s: apple, cherry, apricot
Level of the network: regional level
Network management: researchers
Network members: farmers, advisors, marketing organisations, public offices
- exchange of information, dissemination of information
- elaboration of improved strategies
- research projects
Information dealt with:
- orchard management
- varieties and breeding
- plant health care
- soil management and fertilisation
- post-harvest
Specialised subgroups: specialised working group not in network but at the Laimburg Research Centre
Type of network: private
Number of members: 29
Website or address:
Fruit crop/s: apple
Level of the network: international level (IFOAM, TP Organics), national level
Network management: farmers, advisors, researchers, breeders, marketing organisations, certifiers
Network members: farmers, advisors, researchers
- exchange of information, dissemination of information
- elaboration of improved strategies
Information dealt with:
- orchard management
- plant health care
- soil management and fertilisation
Type of network: private
Website or address:
Fruit crop/s: apple, pear, plum, cherry, apricot
Level of the network: regional level
Network management: farmers, advisors, breeders, marketing organisations
Network members: farmers, advisors, researchers, marketing organisations
- exchange of information, dissemination of information
- elaboration of improved strategies
Information dealt with: varieties and breeding
1. Institute of Horticulture
Type of network: public
Website or address:
Fruit crop/s: apple, pear, plum, cherry
Level of the network: national level
Network management: researchers, breeders
Network members: researchers, breeders
- exchange of information, dissemination of information
- elaboration of improved strategies
Information dealt with:
- orchard management
- varieties and breeding
- plant health care
- soil management and fertilisation
Specialised subgroups:
- unit of agronomic research and variety testing
- unit of genetic and breeding
- unit of plant pathology and entomology;
- unit of processing and biochemestry
1. Association of Polish organic farmers “POLSKI EKOOWOC”
Type of network: private
Number of members: 18
Website or address:
Fruit crop/s: apple, pear
Level of the network: national level
Network management: farmers
- exchange of information, dissemination of information
- elaboration of improved strategies
Information dealt with:
- orchard management
- varieties and breeding
- plant health care
- exchange of information on distribution and sales
Type of network: public
Number of members: all researchers, more than 50 entities, 22 research groups belonging to research Institutes and 28 belonging to universities. Between them, there are more than 250 researchers and various organizations in the sector
Website or address:
Fruit crop/s:
- apple, pear, peach and nectarine, plum, cherry,
- apricot, almond
- orange, lemon, others
Level of the network: network at national level
Network management: researchers
Network Members: researchers and NGO´s (
Activities: exchange of information, dissemination of information
Information dealt with:
- orchard management
- varieties and breeding
- plant health care
- soil management and fertilisation
Specialised subgroups:
- organic food
- organic crop production systems
- organic livestock production systems
- sustainability of organic systems
2. Valencia de cubiertas vegetales
Type of network: public and private
Number of members: 35
Website or address (not specific web).
Fruit crop/s: orange, lemon, others
level of the network: at regional level
Network management: farmers, advisor, researchers
Network Members: farmers, advisors, researchers, regional government (GV)
- exchange of information, dissemination of information
- elaboration of improved strategies
Information dealt with: introducing cover crops in Valencian citriculture to avoid herbicides use and to improve pest control
Specialised subgroups:
- machinery and management of cover crops
- cover crops and plant health
- soil fertility and cover crops
Type of network: NGO
Website or address:
Fruit crop/s: pomefruits, stonefruits, orange, lemon, others
level of the network: at national level
Network management: others: NOG staff
Network Members: farmers, advisors, researchers, breeders, certifiers
Activities :
- exchange of information, dissemination of information
- elaboration of improved strategies
- organizing workshops and congress
- organizing on-line and presential courses
Information dealt with:
- orchard management
- varieties and breeding
- plant health care
- soil management and fertilisation
- certification rules and interpretation (country specific)
- agroecology
4. Fruit.Net
Type of network: public, private
Number of members: >50 in the whole network (10 in citrus)
Website or address:
Fruit crop/s: pomefruits, peach and nectarine, orange, others
level of the network: at regional level
Network management: researchers, government staff
Network Members: farmers, advisors, researchers, governmental staff
- exchange of information, dissemination of information
- elaboration of improved strategies
- research plan
- demonstratives farms
Information dealt with: plant health care, strategies to minimize pesticide use
Specialised subgroups:
- researchers, experimental farms to apply the new strategies,
- technology transfer
Type of network: NGO
Number of members: >400
Website or address:
Fruit crop/s: peach and nectarine, apricot, almond, orange, lemon, others
level of the network: at regional level
Network management: farmers
Network Members: famers, advisors
- exchange of information, dissemination of information
- training
Information dealt with:
- orchard management
- soil management and fertilisation
- certification, rules and interpretation (country specific)
Specialised subgroups: training, Advisors, commercialization
6. Several Informal farmers groups
Type of network: farmers
Number of members: 20-50
Website or address: None
Fruit crop/s: orange, lemon, others
level of the network: at regional level
Network management: farmers
Network Members: farmers
Activities: exchange of information, dissemination of information
Information dealt with:
- orchard management
- varieties and breeding
- plant health care
- soil management and fertilisation
- certification, rules and interpretation (country specific)
7. Asociación Valor Ecológico, ECOVALIA
Type of network: NGO
Number of members: 15.000
Website or address:
Fruit crop/s: almond, citrus
level of the network: at national level, at regional level
Network management: non-profit organisation
Network Members: farmers, advisors, retailers
Activities: exchange of information, dissemination of information
Information dealt with:
- orchard management
- plant health care
- soil management and fertilisation
- certification, rules and interpretation (country specific)
- policies
- market information
- general information about organic farming
1. App group fruit growers
Type of network: app group
Number of members: around 10, with more and less active participants. This includes some conventional growers.
Fruit crop/s: mainly apple
Level of the network: national level
Network management: farmers
Network members: farmers
Activities: exchange of information, dissemination of information
Information dealt with:
- orchard management
- plant health care
- soil management and fertilisation
- mechanisation
- markets
1. Prisma
Type of network: private
Number of members: 49 and 5 advising members
Website or address:
Fruit crop/s: apple, pear, plum, cherry
Level of the network: national
Network management : farmers
Network members: farmers, advisors
- exchange of information, dissemination of information
- elaboration of improved strategies
- availability of organic plant protection products in the Netherlands
Information dealt with:
- orchard management
- varieties and breeding
- plant health care
- soil management and fertilisation
- availability of organic plant protection products in the Netherlands
Specialised subgroups:
- working group pear
- working group on availability of organic plant protection products in organic fruit growing
1. Bioaustria
Type of network: private
Number of members: 200 fruitgrowers, more other farming groups
Website or address:
Fruit crop/s: apple, pear, peach, nectarine, plum, cherry, apricot
Level of the network: national level
Network management : advisors
Network members: farmers, advisors, researchers, certifiers
Activities :
- exchange of information, dissemination of information
- elaboration of improved strategies
Information dealt with:
- orchard management
- varieties and breeding
- plant health care
- soil management and fertilisation
- certification, rules and interpretation
Specialised subgroups:
- subgroup soil management
- subgroup plant health care
- subgroup guidelines for organic fruit growing (active currently especially for demeter association)
- subgroup new technics of pruning and tree education
2. Von Herzen Biobauern
Type of network: private
Number of members: 120
Website or address:
Fruit crop/s: apple, pear, peach and nectarine, plum, cherry, apricot
Level of the network: national level
Network management: farmers, the farmers employ a person for management
Network members: farmers
Activities: marketing
Information dealt with:
- which products are required from the market
- strategic development of the organic market and the supply with organic fruit
- quality management
Distribution of networks performing knowledge transfer in organic fruit production within selected countries in Europe
Biofruitnet will carry out collaborative actions with different stakeholders in organic fruit production, in order to establish synergies, strengthen networks and ensure that the information obtained throughout the project reaches the greatest number of interested people.
This section will progressively include the main collaboration actions carried out with different actors related to organic fruit production.
It is expected that throughout the project the collaborations will be more frequent and will result in actions with a high potential impact.
In 1992, the Ecosocial Forum was founded as an independent platform for the further development and dissemination of the ecosocial idea. Today, the Ecosocial Forum is a think-tank committed to implementing the ecosocial market economy.
By creating a network of like-minded individuals and organisations in Austria and throughout Europe, they have succeeded in joining forces for the benefit of the ecosocial economic model. The Ecosocial Forum is not only dedicated to ecosocial action, but also serves as a platform for scientific and political exchange. They organise conferences and workshops, collect and communicate knowledge, and raise awareness of a socially and ecologically sustainable model of society and economy among experts from business, academia and politics, as well as the wider public.
Ecosocial Market Economy – The Idea
The eco-social market economy stands for social justice, environmental protection and climate action. At the same time, it supports economic operators and creates jobs. This is what Josef Riegler had in mind when he first presented this concept in 1989. The guiding principle of the eco-social market economy is to incorporate environmental aspects and to make the market serve the cause of environmental protection. This is to be achieved through real cost pricing, consistent application of the polluter pays principle and eco-social tax reform.
Cooperation with BIOFRUITNET
Recently, the Ecosocial Forum for Austria and Europe contacted the BIOFRUITNET project and offered its availability to disseminate information about the project through its newsletter, within its project “Agricultural and Forest Sciences: Scientific Communication and Needs Assessment”, funded by the BMLRT and the federal states. The project supports agricultural and forestry research to expand research results and raise awareness of the need for ongoing research projects. A way to create linkages and synergies between projects with similar objectives.
Click on the following link and access the result of this first collaboration with the Ecosocial Forum.
SmartProtect-SMART agriculture for innovative vegetable crop PROTECTion: harnessing advanced methodologies and technologies (GA 862563).
SmartProtect is a Thematic Network focusing on cross regional knowledge sharing of smart Integrated Pest Management (IPM) solutions for farmers and advisors. The aim is to stimulate knowledge flow in the regional Agriculture and Knowledge Innovation Systems (AKISs) across the EU and connect these on the innovative potential of advanced methodologies for IPM in vegetable production, integrating precision farming technologies and data analytics. For this purpose, SmartProtect has developed an online platform that functions as a freely accessible repository for IPM technologies and methodologies, and is available in
The initial collaboration established with this project is based on sharing relevant information to enhance its impact and outreach.
Detailed information on the project SmartProtect-h2020 can be found at the following link.