ECOFRUIT: The European Conference on Organic Fruit Growing


Ecofruit is the  conference for organic fruit growing researchers, advisors and practicioners organized every two years at the University of Hohenheim. “Ecofruit” gives an opportunity to communicate and discuss research results and experiences connected with organic fruit growing in regards to the improvement of its production system.

Organizing commitee

The organizing committee consists of 15 persons from different European countries engaged intensively in research in organic fruit growing most of them are engaged with BIOFRUITNET project as partners. The organizing committee is chaired by Foerdergemeinschaft Oekologischer Obstbau FOEKO e.V. and takes usually place at the University of Hohenheim.

The number of participants is limited. So if you are resercher, consultant, etc., engaged in organic fruit production, don´t miss the opportunity to participate in this conference.

To be informed about the last editions and the knowledge spread about organic fruit growing, we suggest to follow and visit the web page of the ECOFRUIT.  There you find also the proceedings of all ecofruit conferences since 1989 online. Next ecofruit will take place in February 2024.