BIOFRUITNET at the Organic World Congress

Online Workshop: Emerging Pests in the Organic Fruit Production

The BIOFRUITNET workshop took place on 8th September from 11:00 to 12:30 at the Organic World Congress. (

The emergence of new or “secondary” pests is a real challenge for organic fruits production and to the existing pest management strategies. Established preventative and soft curative methods are challenged and novel pest management strategies need to be developed.

Some polyphagous pests are developing around the world very quickly and can cause serious damages (eg. Drosophila suzukiiHalyomorpha halys). In addition, the emergence of “secondary” pests, for example, organisms already observed by farmers whose level of nuisance was economically limited in the past, is increasing (eg. Hoplocampa testudineaContarinia pyrivora). Strategies to deal with emerging pests will be developed during cases studies. We will focus on pests present all around the world to interest a maximum of organic farmers.

With this workshop, the aim is to;
(1) start to identify actors who has an expertise in emerging pests/new pest in Europe that are native in other continents in fruit production in the six continents and make this information available for all
(2) share experience concerning strategies developed to control emerging pests and pests new in Europe in different fruit species

Agenda of the workshop, where to download the speaker´s presentation: 



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